Number one , regulate the banking industry and Wall Street as it was after the Great Depression.If the boat is filling up ,stop the water coming in! Two week ago , regulate the cut off valve , the protection against spills by the companies drilling off the coast . Stop the oil coming in! British Petroleum is working toward raking in the oil, not stopping the flow.Allowing the company to take care of the problem is unacceptable.There is no reason to believe that big capitalist business has any concerns other than bringing in more money. Does the sentence "Tobacco does not cause cancer" ring a bell ? Our elected officials are not acting in the interest of their constituency but responding to big money across the line , the party line , the state line , and the lines that separate the countries of the world . At least with Bush we knew that he , as a Republican , was in support of big business and less regulation . With the current Democratic administration we had a smoke screen of promises ,none of which have come to fruition. The identity of the Democratic party as the party of the people , the little people , is proving to be a sham .Where Bush had the Gaul to say that questioning the policies of his administration was treasonous , Obama has a position of political correctness that quiets dissent . It somehow reminds me once again of the emperor thinking he is dressed to the nines but actually he has been fooled naked and his people are afraid to tell him for fear of reprisals . March of 2009 I brought up the subject in another context ("Trippin")yet the theme has raised it's ugly head again this year.A President has to do something and stop talking about doing something . Somewhere the studies , the experiments, and the theories have to give way to deeds .
This guy has done absolutely nothing . It started with not regulating banking and Wall Street when he came into office . What he did do was exactly what Bush did and threw another 850 billion dollars at banking and Wall Street . The health bill was a diversion of no consequence . The resulting bill is a watered down fantasy that nobody understands . That failure supposedly took most of last year to conclude. The current oil crisis in the Gulf is yet another example of inactivity. The government has done nothing ! No regulation has been changed to insure that the same problem won't reoccur on any of the 3500 oil rigs in the Gulf or proposed to be erected in new territories on the East Coast . Relying upon the fox to fix the problem in the hen house doesn't make sense . Why should America rely upon British Petroleum to correct the current catastrophe ? Collecting the oil has been the first priority of BP instead of stopping the flow . The actual flow is much greater than original estimates or later or still later reported .
The protection of our shores is the job of our government but our government is being run by big business, corrupted beyond any one's understanding , including what might have been a junior Senator from Chicago that was elected on promises he has completely forgotten. Iraq and ruin , Afghanistan and heroin, paranoia and scare tactics , and don't forget foreign policy over the control and protection of our homeland are all the same policies that came into place in the Bush era , recognized as flawed but have become the Obama administrations policy.
Tonight the news shows an emotional Obama , angry , as if that means a damn.Like congress , he is doing nothing . The television stations , slanted by their various political views apparently have agreed to spin in the same direction down the toilet of lies . They are using spin words like "The blame game" to misdirect much as a magician . What is this saying , that no one should be blamed , that something should be done . It is saying that BP isn't responsible , that the government isn't responsible , that it's no ones fault . That isn't true . It is some one's fault . It is firmly on the backs of all those corrupted by big money and big lobbies. It is across party lines , the corruption is so deep that you can see the suits getting more expensive by the day on the newest Senators getting the benefits of air travel , health insurance, limousine services,body guard services , all being paid by "Uncle Sucker", that is tax payers . Incidentally , everyone pays taxes. You pay at the pump , you pay at the counter, you pay ,at the grocery store , and you pay in April. Everyone pays but not everyone collects. Welfare is a drop in the bucket , another diversion, as is pointing at the borders and saying it's the fault of illegal immigrants. We are all illegal immigrants here . If we start the guilt trip , it will never end . So the terrorist won , the war is over . America has compromised it's principals and has thrown in the towel . The actual winners are the big businesses taking advantage of a capitalist society self destructing.The corruption will not be stemmed any more than the oil though we have the technology to resolve both problems . We are willing to blame immigration, welfare, the idea of health care for our citizenry, and the voters of this country but not the elected officials who have sold us out . There was once a thing called the Guillotine that had terrible yet positive results against tyranny. Let us not forget that revolution doesn't have to wait for four years .
No, I am not going to the "Tea Party". Losing me is just the tip of an iceberg as I have found over the years and especially since accessing the Internet , I am not alone .
So , who should we name ?
Do da name Ruby Bagonia mean anything to you , Kingfish ? Uh oh,no more Kingfish . Da fish is dead ! He died of oil.
This is one yellow dog democrat that will not vote for that dog again . That dog don't hunt !
"The king is in the altogether , the altogether , the altogether ,He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born." ( a song from the Hans Christian Anderson movie )