Thursday, October 23, 2008

Akhnaton , Oedipus , and Moses

Tutankhamen put modern archaeology on the map but his father , Akhnaton , is the focal point in recorded history that has obsessed almost anyone who goes past the "Boy King's" gold , pomp and circumstance . There really aren't many facts surmised from Eigtheenth Dynasty Egypt that aren't refuted with separate books and commentary . The story should be read as fiction , including all the innuendo and gossip which comes out every time a new dig discovers another closet of the story . I had the pleasure of having contact with Ahmed Osman , an author who wrote wonderful books that illustrated his theories about the lineage of Akhnaton ( "Moses , Pharaoh of Egypt" and "Stranger in the Valley of the Kings" among his better ideas).Ahmed has been involved in a movie , "Nefertiti" which seems to have been in production for eight years . The movie , supposedly , is further illustrating Osman's theories from his books which can be found in the "Book Burning" section of your local library .I flippantly suggested to Osman that he write his theory as fiction and then reap greater rewards.The movie is from the point of view of a historic drama and I have to wonder if it will ever see the light of day at all . Will the movie end up in the "film burning" section of the write off for the production company?.

Ahmed Osman isn't the first to write suggestive ideas about Akhnaton as Emanuel Velikovski wrote an exciting book called "Oedipus and Akhnaton" showing the many parallels between the two characters . Pauline Gedge , in her fictional epic , "The Twelfth Transforming" wrote the Velikovski theories into her fictional Akhnaton , evidently quite moved by his suggestions which were before the later Osman books . All of these books are well worth the read and have some nutritious fruit to enjoy if only as a voyeur in a strange land .Online I found others who had read the previous books and associated them together like a growing theory , which they became . Indeed the theories have grown like a wild fire , like a virus . The theories also include the last writings of Sigmund Freud which happened to be about Akhnaton . Freud theorized that Moses was probably an "Atenist" before becoming the "Moses" . Freud's book came out in 1933 , "Moses and Monotheism" ,a bad time to make suggestions contrary to Jewish Biblical history . Later ,Osman had continued on this train of thought except suggesting that Akhnaton was probably a Jew , his mother ,Tiye being the daughter of Joseph(the coat of many colors). Osman illustrated that Joseph was actually Yuya , a real mummy and grandfather to Tut . Ahmed's book , "A Stranger in the Valley of the Kings" was dedicated to proving this very point .

There were suggestions that Akhnaton might have attempted to have children with his own daughters . The offspring were called "Sherit" or of the kings body , suggesting that the children who died at birth as did the daughter , were produced by the Pharaoh of the time , "Who lived in truth", Akhnaton . Velikovski's earlier vision of Akhnaton having relations with his own mother was because his own mother retained the title "Keeper of the Concubines" and "The Great Wife" after the death of her husband , Akh's father Ammenophis III . The killing of his father is explained by a metaphorical killing by deleting Amenophis's name from many reliefs across Egypt as well as Akhnaton changing his own name from Amenophis IV to Akhnaton in the seventh year of his Pharaohship(probably part Co-regency with his father) .

The parallels between Creon of the Oedipus plays and Aye , the brother of Tiye and Pharaoh after Tut are very clear . Trying to fit in the sons of Oedipus , Polynices and Eteocles , has become a harder fit though the interesting fate of the second son , the second ruler ,Eteocles "Crowned with every Rite" as was Tutankhamen when his tomb was unearthed . The elder brother , Smenkhare , Polynices of the Oedipal story , had a shattered shrine , called by Davis a catafalque , which had not been made for the deceased , and a coffin covered with gold foil that had been cracked , exposing a crumbling mummy , poorly swathed, whose head stuck out of the crack.But this miserable place , showed too that somebody had administered rites, albeit poorly. While the mummies of Tutankhamen and Smenkhare were earlier found to be brothers , later theories have suggested that Nefertiti assumed the throne after Akhnaton's was deposed and took the name "Smenkhare" as well . This last theory would try to get "Antigone" , the sister out of the story . At least there are sisters in the story not to mention the Egyptian city of the hundred gated "Thebes" instead of the seven gated Thebes of Greece . The inclusion of the Sphinx and a riddle in a Greek tragedy , a sphinx that also represented Tiye , Akhnaton's mother , in her ancient characterization has to make you do a "double take" on the entire scenario .

Akhnaton , a theocratic dictator who legislated monotheism into ancient Greek is called the "Heretic " by his peers as he was systematically erased from Egyptian history as was the Pharonic line after him . Tutankh-Aten came to power and changed his own name to Tutankhamen , disowning his own father , Akhnaton , and bringing back polytheism to Egypt . His short reign is certainly questioned and theorised with explanations of a coup de tat or manipulation by his seniors . Whatever happened , the blood line of the Egyptian Pharaohs ended with Tut .If Atenism continued , it was undercover . If Akhnaton continued after the death of Tut , he couldn't use his own name and live in the open . His experiment with Theocracy and his first commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me ..." ( to paraphrase ) does seem similar to the advent of Jewish Law by Moses .

Osman , a Muslim , is not only suspect by Christians and Jews but by Muslims who hate Israel . His book "Out of Egypt" brought the words ".. a Zionist Plot " to the lips of Zahi Hawass , who has become quite the darling of television archaeology, as Egypt continues to dictate history politically and not by archaeological discovery.The DNA extractions planned for certain mummies , Yuya , Tut , and Amenophis III , in 2001 came to an abrupt end when it was found that what the Japanese scientist were searching for was the gene that would relate the mummies to each other and to Jewish heritage . The catalyst was Osman's theories . The case is still open .......................................................

What the American People Want

If one more person says , "What the American people want is..." I think I will blow up . The truth of the matter is that politicians pretend to have clairvoyant abilities and speak from the point of view of being a human being at times like now , during a presidential election , but in reality they are not really human beings at all . They are merely blood sucking opportunist who will go the way of the local lobbyist when the election is over . There is no amount of individual letters that will change the way they do business anymore than sending Emails to television stations will affect anything . The one letter that may be quoted out of millions is only used for political purposes , to endorse a point already proposed by their bosses .No response can be expected from the companies or the TV and radio stations and the idea that the advice from strangers might be heeded is not only an illusion but a form of madness . The current "Blog" places of the stations are more mirrors for suits and TV heads ,not a thing that has any more depth than a psychoanalytical outlet for the writers . This asking for advice and response from constituents and from listeners is only used as proof that there are actually people paying attention to what these people are saying . The advertisers and their lobbyist are fed this response as if it has meaning . It does mean someone is watching and serves that purpose of bringing more advertising . The advertising department of the major companies that work for radio and television have to show something for the money they are paid ."What the American people want.." is a handy phrase to cover the position of sponsors not a reflection or observance of actual response .
I am not an "Obama" man and I am not a "McCain" man . I am a man . These people do not know any more than I do about what seems to be the majority opinion of Americans . That is why there is an election . I don't agree with my friends much less with the people who are distant , projecting ideas as if these ideas reflect the "will of the people" . The problem really is that the "will of the people " hasn't been noticed or followed so far , so why would the "ins " suddenly adjust to this policy now . If we could stop the rhetoric spewing and the policies that are what the "Ins" decide is good for the people long enough we might be able to devise a method of voting on issues . This idea of participating in and creating an actual democracy is a real possibility with current technology but is shot down at every turn by those elected into power once they get there . The pundits and talking heads don't really care what the "American People Want" , they only pretend to care when they are involved in an election . What they really are perpetuating is the "Will of their sponsors , the lobbyist , and the special interest who put up those special perks , legal and illegal . We aren't even succeeding in having a republican plurality much less coming near the illusion of a democracy .

What Happened ? 1968-2008

Gay people don't seem to approach me . I don't think about it very much except television shows seem to have too many white guys that are gay or playing a part that is scatterbrained . I don't care for that nor do I relate to that. I don't really know too much about child molestation . It seems like the women , those teachers of recent years , would have been a lucky situation to bump into when I was a kid . I think I was into my fifth grade teacher but I don't really dwell upon the idea . The thing is that men do initiate boys into sex . This isn't a new practice but I don't think that the open homosexual community wants to talk about this old beast . If it were just men switching beds with men ,my feeling would be , "Who Cares?" but , truthfully , I don't trust men . I don't trust any men . Doctors , lawyers, senators , presidents ,musicians, or mechanics , they all are greedy , selfish men . It isn't like there aren't exceptions but our capitalist culture has gone down in our time . It is noticeable .Men don't seem to take pride in themselves . I have had problems with musicians who aren't who they say they are and can't do what they say they can do and boy, that is , unfortunately part of every career . Every day the news reports another man that does something , using people , abusing people , and part of the story that is sensational is the positions they occupied in their work . There were people around them who counted on them , who relied on their judgement , and who trusted them to do the right thing . For this reason , I don't trust the idea of equality or perhaps accepting the open life style of male homosexuality out of the closet . I think that it might have been better in the closet , not spoken about or characterized like a cartoon on television . Perhaps the word I am searching for is trivialized . Making this an every day occurrence seems more dangerous than the other things that have been invented like women as making as much money as men or black men becoming presidents ... This election does remind , for some reason of 1968 . I had to play a music convention in Chicago the week before the Democratic Convention that year and though I was invited to stay , I was glad I went home .It really had a lot of social implications , in fact a lot of the rallies and events were social occasions, a place to meet girls , talk t people . Some kids I met on the road playing in Wichita Kansas said they were going and wanted me to join them a couple of weeks later in Chicago. My party blew up that year . The Democratic Wheel that was Chicago and the big cheese ,Mayor Daley , became an embarrassment to the Nation but the climate of this Nation was , again , waving the flag during wartime and accepting the loss of our basic civil rights . The right to assemble was one of those rights . Do you remember the "Chicago Seven" ? They were charged with starting a riot , with the new law of the same year which was deleted in two more years .It was an embarrassment to this Nation and the rest of the world saw what was done and our phony rep as the land of freedom and equality was already crumbling like my trust in men . Abbie Hoffman appeared on our stage on several occasions . I do remember a rally on Ste. Marks Place , near the Electric Circus . He wasn't a violent guy , in fact , he well might have been portraying a child at the time in his simple manor and affectations belying his actual intelligence . We all were dressed in clothes that were childlike costumes , they weren't uniforms and weapons didn't go with the outfits . Most people weren't violent at all . Speaking of "Gay people ... (haha) Allan Ginsberg , the poet was a homosexual man . He also was on the bill in Ste Marks , speaking to the crowd as he was at "Bread for Heads" another rally we played two years earlier . He never bothered me . It never crossed my mind that he would be violent or force his will on anybody .He also was in Chicago 1968 and I doubt that he was instigating a riot . I wasn't a Humphrey man then either , but I did vote for him . I , at one time liked Johnson when I traveled through Texas in 1965 but that faded . I was rather excited about the prospects of Bob Kennedy and got involved only to have the affair cancelled because of his death .This year the situation is similar in that there is still the stepping on our "Inalienable rights" . We are too used to this , too accepting , too busy waving the flag and pointing at others like they are the enemy . People like Obama are not the enemy . The recent tactics by the Republicans , bringing in a doll to run as Vice President , calling Obama a socialist , waving the flag and promising the continuation of this phony war , and generally more of the same policies of the current administration are what was being promised by the Democrats in Chicago 1968 . The people outside , the sons and daughters , a new generation of people who wanted a change from the old "Machine" were treated like they were the enemy , like they didn't have the right to assemble , to gather as Americans to protest . This is what we have endured for the last eight years under the yoke and guise of terrorism . The terrorist are cartoon figures who are not as scary to me as the degrading of our form of government and our way of life . Yes , the "Hippies" went into the woodwork and became capitalist like their parents and a lot of them gave up the movement . The "Movement" well might have come to a close after Kent State . These occasions of atrocities perpetrated by our own government upon our own people have been forgotten by too many people . The movement of women to get control of their own bodies has also been taken for granted by women spouting moralist statements reminiscent of "Just say no" . Women cannot trust men to do the right thing . Men should not have any say in what women do with their bodies including if they decide to have an abortion instead of coming to term with an unloved , unsupported child for the rest of their lives . Roe vs Wade didn't come about in a second but the entire country leaned that way . There was a movie called "Love with the Perfect Stranger" ( Steve McQueen played the heavy ) . In the movie it illustrated the nightmare of trying to get an abortion before it was legal . The girl , Natalie Wood ,dies in the end of the movie. The Supreme Court will be changed drastically by McCain and hopefully evened out a little by Obama .The right wing had their shot for the last eight years and blew it , blew it real good . The change that came in 1968 with Nixon was proved to be even more repressive than what the Democrats seemed to be offering with Humphrey . That also was a very close election as the last two have been and probably the current election . There was a time that I thought that we could change the world . I don't believe that anymore but I think that the world is changing all by itself . I still hope to see this country get better in my lifetime . It is ill .It has been bad for so long that we have taken for granted that everything is OK . What is that saying ," I've been down for so long , I'm beginning to think it's up ." Man ,that is where we're at .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The Answer The Answer The Answer The Answer............. The Answer is that it is a play on the numerical values of Hebrew letters, together with the grades in the initiation process. It is simply intended to say: “Simon Magus’ monasteries are evil”. There is no relevance to us!

The “Beast” was Simon Magus, who in the Book of Revelation was the great enemy of Christians, for he was conducting a rival mission to theirs. He controlled monasteries that used the Qumran system of grades, naming them by Hebrew letters. Certain grades marked significant stages. These were called Taw, Resh and Samekh. At Taw, a man was at the very top and was equal to the highest priest. At Resh he entered the sanctuary and could act like a lesser priest. At Samekh, he became an initiate, beginning the studies that would lead him higher. Below is the list of grade letters and numbers.

Since Hebrew letters were also used for numbers, Taw could be read as 400. Resh
could be read as 200, and Samekh as 60. That totals 660. Further, when initial letters alone were used, they were accompanied by the letter Waw, as is illustrated in the Scrolls (CD 4:19). The numerical value of Waw is 6. Total, 666.

The writers of Revelation (one of the early parties in the Church) were very interested in numbers, following their Pythagorean studies, but were too attached to magic-sounding numbers. They knew that semi-educated people would read significance into them, and used 666 as a way of describing evil. Before the present information became available, scholars used to think that 666 in Revelation 13:18 meant the Roman emperor, but they could not account for the actual number. Now it is explained by the Qumran grade numbers, which account for many details of the pesher.

Here is the system of Hebrew letters, numbers, and grades from initiation upwards For the significance of all the grades

Taw ---400 --- High Priest Michael
Shin 300 Deputy Priest Gabriel
Resh 200 Sanctuary Priest Sariel
Qof 100 Levite Raphael Sadhe 90 PE 80 Ayin 70 Samekh 60 Initiate
Numerical value of all Hebrew letters. Aleph 1, Beth 2 , Gimel 3, Daleth 4, He 5, Waw 6, Zayin 7, Heth 8, Tet 9, Yod 10, Kaph 20, Lamedh 30, Mem 40, Nun 50, Samekh 60, Ayin 70, Pe 80, Sadhe 90, Qof 100, Resh 200, Shin 300, Taw 400.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The "Leader" ( from an email to Carol)

I feel like I played everywhere in NJ from NY down to Bricktown . That was a hint of what I would get into later in my independence from "Bands" as I hired musicians and traveled about . At this time I have no illusions of friendship with other musicians or men . Since the death of my oldest friend , Len , in 2003 ( we played together for 45 yrs ), I have found that you can't replace whatever that is in spite of years of knowing people . I think that in hiring people ,perhaps , as the leader I might put myself into a position of never really getting too close but I can't really be sure . I know that ,long ago , when I worked as a sideman , there was a separation . I thought that the leader was often the weakest link and the biggest asshole . Now, I have become the monster at least on paper .
I woke up yesterday and thought of that Paul Simon song , "Homeward Bound" , the lyrics spinning around my head ,".... a poet and a one man band....." . I did continue as a one man band , knocking on doors , opening doors to music but those days are as gone as the days when there were so many musicians traveling around the country playing . There just aren't any places that support musicians coming in like the "Holiday Inn" type circuit of the past,if that was what it was . Actually , we stayed and played in a lot of different type hotels, motels , and venues . I suppose the young people can afford to go out and waste time and money playing for nothing , traveling , and seeing the country but the business aspect seems gone . It isn't that the big acts or big scenes aren't there like County Fairs or big tours to arenas but , after all , that big show scene is also kind of limited .
I bought a guitar to entertain myself on the road when I was playing the stringed bass and brass instruments with a show band in 1964 . Hearing Bobby Dylan back then , I imagined that I could sing too and started writing little tunes . It wasn't long before I was performing with the band using my classical guitar . I remember singing a bossa nova and forgetting the lyrics and the scene turning into a comedy bit . It did work out pretty good but I didn't want to be a comic and the actual material I was writing was too serious for the show band I was working with . Today , I could see the leader of that band as a conservative republican . He sang , told jokes , schmoozed with the money people , and maintained a good political position with the booking agency (ABC Talent ).My material about getting out of Viet Nam wouldn't be something that they would speak about openly . I had some good moments playing the stringed bass but , then again , I found myself dropping it to the stage as I walked off , too .
Switching to the guitar didn't really bring me much relief as I was very unhappy repeating everything with the lame musicians that were in rock and roll and folk music . Most of those bands did the same tunes night after night . They were an act . I changed everything every night yet I was stuck with the same tunes . I played different solos every night but those same tunes , the same lyrics , the same beat were overwhelming and worse than the show band deal .
Now I have to re-invent myself every time I go out . Last summer I changed every time I went out featuring myself on guitar , piano , and sometimes singing . In the New Jersey days I had different bands every night , hiring different guys or going through scenes almost every night . It was terrible yet an adventure . I suppose this is why I am where I am right now with it all or why I have to make up a new show all the time . The thing is that I just play . I am happy playing , improvising . There is no reason for me to expect anything from anyone because I wouldn't be happy taking work in the normal sense of a sideman , anyway . I take the initiative and I am the leader but I am not the weakest link. Yea yea...well, I hope my sidemen don't see me as the weakest link .They well might see me as an asshole . Damn ! It's the nature of the beast .

Abstract, Like it Nude ,Psyciatric, and Warm

Why can't I get this vision out of my head ? It is the most pornographic image I have ever seen in my life and it didn't really involve licivious thoughts or actual nudes in real time . It is a pivotal point that has affected the current election and the future of this country beyond our current understanding of where we think we are going . There is no mythical , supernatural element involved . The response of the American people was simple anger and revenge which resulted in bad moves , mistakes , and a backlash of conservative thinking that has been lurking on AM radio for years . Can the "Witch Trials" be far behind ? So many fingers pointing and none leading the way . It is amazing what a simple plane to the crotch can do . The "Trade Center" is long gone but Wall Street is still falling .
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America ,You're a stupider Bitch than I think you Are !

Did you find yourself shouting at the TV Last week? I did . Boy, I sure don't have any investments on Wallstreet and I am not an expert on the economy by no means but doesn't it seem like paying for the entire bundle at one time is a mistake . Who pays for their house in one shot? Who buys their car in one shot ? I'll tell you who . Those greedy Wallstreet guys and the current administration that got the entire country into this fix at the opportune time when McCain was losing credibility , when the honeymoon was over for Palin , when the "Flip Flops" were coming from the republican candidate two a day . The Democrats just don't get it and they won't get it , that is the presidency , because all this "good guy" stuff hasn't worked since Jimmy Carter and that got thin before his four years were done . How we can allow the Iranians from 1978 affect the running of our government is not a mystery to the republicans who have continued the "Fear" campaign till the present time and have come up with this brilliant maneuver based on their own designs of deregulation which allowed the usual rich to get richer while the poor got poorer like the adage was the most important utterance ever spouted from "Tin Pan Alley".
Yesterday the news blew chunks of political rhetoric and so much posturing that any ape blush might be seen to blush in front of these two candidates . I know it isn't politically correct to compare Obama to an ape . Fuck him as well as McCain , the other stupid ape . The problem is that we are all fucked . This year the political microscope couldn't find one actual person to come to the top of the barrel other than the sensational candidacies that have been forwarded . Clinton , Obama , and Palin all are certainly questionable characters . Each one is littered in lack of experience , their own lies , and their own characterization of themselves like they are the second coming of JFK . JFK wasn't really JFK . How does this strike you ? I knew JFK and he was no "JFK". McCain being cast as a "Maverick " might be funny in another world than this one where "Spinning" has become the rule of thumb in the republican camp . Here is a guy who's main claim to fame is that he was a POW. Look , I like the POWs as much as the next guy , but he didn't make any decisions about Viet Nam other than to fly the plane in and by chance be shot down . The last eight years have shown him to be a candidate that bends over and kisses his opponents ass , namely Bush , after he is humiliated . This isn't the action of a "Maverick" . Four years of Senator-ship doesn't give the pretty boy , Obama, the right to ascend to the presidency . The endorsement of the Kennedy family doesn't make him a "Kennedy". As I mentioned before , "The Kennedy's aren't the Kennedy's." The spin has gotten so deep , the "Fear" so great , that as a people we are wiling to buy our next generation with their own incomes which still won't pay for the last eight years of mistakes.

Ok, so the stock market crashes . Let it fucking crash ! Let them know what it is like to get no help from this government like the people of New Orleans . Oh , New Orleans wasn't a threat to the United States . The Stock Market isn't the threat any more than Saddam Hussein was a threat . The Stock Market has crashed before . Let them jump out their proverbial and actual windows , especially the CEOs that took and took because of the republican deregulation design that brought us to this point . How can you trust the fox in the chicken pen? The fox is living in the pen and eating all the chickens and is running out of chickens and is asking us to provide more chickens . It isn't like we don't recognise that they are carnivorous , greedy animals. Those poor economist are afraid of losing their plush jobs on television , commentating smugly while others go under . Let them go under ! The poor man who came up with this brilliant plan , a man who has already amassed hundreds of millions of dollars , is begging the congress to approve his plan to get seven hundred billion dollars to play with the way he would see fit . Can congress really give an unelected official the power to bankrupt this country on a bet against what might happen ? There is no guarantee of anything here and , so far, no oversight or way of pulling out of the deal . Our congress is bought and sold by capitalism , by the lobbyist ,by big business . We all knew this was happening and nodded knowingly and allowed it to continue .

I can't believe that I agreed with the republican conservatives last week . I was against the "Bailout" . I don't know exactly why the republicans are as they seemed to support big business and anything that they came across with for the last eight years . The point is that I don't believe this program at all , the senators , the congressmen, the president , and certainly not that damned guy who came up with a plan of 700 billion dollars for him to blow which ever way he likes with no bars on his power . What more power can the man have ? They have already screwed us for eight years and now there is going to be a guarantee that the fuck can last through The next two generations . Not only was the Supreme Court compromised but our world identity and word is a darker mud than it ever was in the past . The bill was past in the Senate this morning and it is supposed to go to the Congress . I am hoping that the few Democrats opposing it will hang tough and the Republicans will stay against it as well . Credit Schmedic . I can't pay for anything so why should they be able to afford a god damn thing . I am beginning to lean toward the terrorist point of view . If this government is truly out of control then what is left ?

It was my opinion that the elected officials were to execute the will of the people not the what they think would be good for the people . If I had the nerve I wouldn't vote at all this election but the outcome of McCain and Palin is a further insult to the intellegence . The truth is that there are other , better ways to resolve the economic crunch than just throwing good money after bad . The first thing to do is to "Regulate" the fucking companies that have abused this system before they do it again . Is this the United States of Stupid ? Are we really asking to get fucked in the ass again . There is no guarantee on the "Bailout" and calling is a "Rescue" is just further spinning and screwing with our heads . If this goes through to fruition and after all this is recognised and McCain is elected , America , you are a stupider bitch than I thought you were .

I saw the end of a Chris Rock movie this evening that seemed like a parody of the current election . I think they mentioned the year 2005 as the year a black man was elected .you have to wonder about how much was telegraphed in politics before we got here . In the mock presidential debate that was in the movie , Rock assumed a vernacular position to gain his electorate mentioning that he had been poor , had gotten high , had been in jail , etc . His opponent was saying things like , "In a dangerous time as it is right now , we can't afford to have an amateur in the Whitehouse .The two arguments seemed strangely familiar . The current election is on the edge of becoming a race war with too much politeness . McCain actually had to turn down his rhetoric for fear of presenting a campaign that sounded like a Klu Klux Klan rally .The thing is that , if Obama is elected , after eight years the rhetoric against him is likely to be stronger than it is now and some of it well might be the truth . Who knows what really lies ahead ?

This election has been walking on eggs since the advent of Hillary Clinton's powerful try . If there could be rhetoric directed against a man why not directed against a woman ? This should hold true in the case of a black man . The fact is that in both cases their opponents have had to pull their punches when there were many points that could only be seen from the point of view of a woman or a black man running in a presidential election . The actual responses of the white women and white men to a woman didn't come to a conclusion with the election of Obama as the candidate . The outcome of this election has been fore-drawn by many of the talking heads of television . I am sure that the various factors speak for their sponsors and really do vote the same way . What will be , will be but I still think that a black man will not be held responsible like a white man . The invective will be a careful , continued "walking on eggs" and , if that is the case , we will really lose in the end the essence of the meaning of this turnover , this backlash from the Republican administration that is being blamed for the current condition of the economy and the compromised identity of America . The next president will inherit problems that may be insurmountable and will most probably be blamed for the failure of the current "Buy out" and other desperate measures taken at this time by a lame duck administration , if their efforts are sincere at all . I don't think that electing Obama will cause the government to be more representative or responsible to it's constituency . we have , indeed , lost again , with whomever is elected .

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Opening a Blog

Where does one start ? Well, one foot at a time . Delving , chancing , tripping or jumping , we move forward in time . Time doesn't stop and the blog will grow with time . So here is opening the sacred blog to whatever befalls , trips , and chances my way in the world . Another place to note the passage of time and experience . Another place to mark time and , perhaps , look back at what time has said while I wasn't listening .