Monday, November 29, 2010

Terrorist and Ye Olde Mafia Protection Racket

Have you noticed that it seems like there have been public busts of late of would be terrorist that wouldn't have had a clue if not for the entrapment , the stings that were set up ? The public statement afterword is that the US Government is sending a message to would be terrorist that if you try to bomb us we will get you. Sending messages is frivolous and like Emailing , there isn't always an answer .Generally , it seems like all the terrorist are consorting with the FBI . It makes me wonder why the FBI doesn't just go ahead and bomb some innocent people without waiting for another inept, would be , "Could have blown" to come along.Nixon now more than ever !

This is the same government that invaded Iraq as an aggressor nation in a "preemptive strike" against the threat of weapons of mass destruction that apparently didn't exist .The entire premise is faulted as we never invaded Korea who waves their atomic weaponry in our noses . It almost makes you sympathetic to the Iranian cause. The only thing that keeps America at bay is the threat of atomic weaponry or the unknown possibilities of violence. America hasn't blatantly invaded Pakistan in the name of getting Al Qaeda . No, America has become the bully , beating up those it can beat up . That is why people are blowing themselves up all over the world in desperation.

This is the same government that infiltrated the anti-war movement of the early seventies . This is the same government that spent unknown amounts of money to deport John Lennon as if he were a terrorist or advocating violence. The Kent State shootings were not in support of students or civil rights or a show of self control but nothing different than the Tienanmen Square Massacre by the Chinese Communist Government which put down a rebellion.Freedom of speech became a dangerous idea at Kent State in 1972 when the American National Guard opened fire on the students.At that time there were blatant outcries from super patriots that said , "They deserved to be shot." That was this government and is this government ,the same governing body which has continued a policy of "non- disclosure" of campaign funds since the Supreme Court second guessed the congress in January of 2010 and suggested that corporations have the same rights as individual citizens.

How can the people trust a governing body that continues to perpetrate lie after lie. Both the extreme right and the extreme left are more than disenchanted . Who is happy with the current policies? The only people being served are the extremely wealthy and this has been a consistent theme across both party lines. I can understand the frustration that has brought about the "Tea Party" while I don't agree them.There are things that we could come to agree upon but it doesn't appear to be anything the American voting public can do to stop this runaway train of partisanship which refuses to co-operate and do the right thing . Not one member of congress is attempting to work for the people . They spout words like "..What the American People Want IS.." but what they do is what they want.

All the protecting in the name of the American people should be questioned by the American people. The public humiliation of people caught in "Stings" or forms of entrapment who are then put on the television news may not be people who were really threatening at all.Even writing this thought seems like a form of treason in this climate of lies and spins and media bites. Having doubts is a treasonable offense in a nation where we are supposed to have freedom of speech. Not only are the individual stations controlling the air waves and news bites but the current administration and both political parties are also directing their own slants. The entire concept of journalism has somehow escaped the United States.

It would seem that if the agencies that are protecting the people of the United States were doing their job correctly , they wouldn't have to broadcast their results in the manner of a Broadway Show or a political candidates campaign.The reality is that ,like NASA, the results have to be what is predicted or they are afraid of losing their budget . They support their budgets by producing results that are predicted and not by achieving actual results. This sham of "The tail wagging the dog" is not doing the job but pretending it has done the job . Meanwhile untold money is thrown down the government's expensive toilet ,supporting government jobs that should not exist anymore . How many people are working for the agencies ? How many agencies are there? How much money is in the current budget that goes toward this abstract protection ? It seems like the cost of the military, the drug enforcement , the National Security, and the Intelligence Agencies are all indefinable numbers .

I truly believe that the native born American terrorist is much more dangerous than some cartoon character that has been imagined to be part of Al Qaeda . If America loses the American credo, or even the belief in the possibility of freedom as it was promised here in America , then there will be no agency , no police force , and no governing body that will survive terror from within. Our basic premises must be adhered to as well as our aesthetic values and civil liberties even in the face of all threats from what ever possible source.

The police force of Afghanistan is worthless if our own American police force is corrupted . The possible governments of Iraq or Afghanistan are not our concern ,especially if our own government is out of the control of our own people. The American troops should be brought back to America . Every night there are reports of deaths in other countries but we rarely see the entire death rate of this entire country . What is reported to us locally is our local crime . The total crime of America dwarfs Iraq and Afghanistan . Why should we care about those countries at all? If this country is really so paranoid and obsessed with National Security , why doesn't the government enforce the laws here and stop pretending to enforce and support laws that are impossible to enforce in Iraq or Afghanistan or , for that matter , the entire Middle East .

I don't believe any of the "protective agencies" anymore,including the TSA , the CIA, the FBI, the DEA.. etc etc .This government is out of control and media "Spins" (Lies) have become what we expect as opposed to finding and facing the truth of what is happening here . We are separated ,polarized Democrats and Republicans, Black and White,rich and poor,we are left and right wings who are arguing as we all accept our characters and play our parts in the debacle we are witnessing,a play called "Greed and Power".This charade continues pretending to be for the protection of the American people ,similar to the flag waving lie that our American soldiers are fighting and dying today in Afghanistan to preserve freedom and the American way.The "Lame Duck" congress might well continue for another two years as congress votes in partisan blocks as they have for the last two years.Can there be any compromise ,cohesion,or agreement if we remain polarized and pointing fingers of blame at each other?

Speaking of terrorist ,let's not forget Paulson, Bernanke,and Geithner and their Great Bank Heist ,putting money back in banks that the banks had stolen and gambled away in a system unfettered by the regulations that had been put on banking and the market since the Great Depression.This unelected triumvirate of economic terrorist were also endorsed by Obama ,who took up where Bush left off enabling big money interest from off shore ,foreign banks,and businesses that cross the borders and boundaries of the ships of state to actually affect this Ship that is the State of America .The Bilderberger Group and the Tri Lateral Pact never pretended to be interested in preserving democracy but US Presidents usually get elected by spouting democratic Americanisms not openly paying off Wall Street and the financial institutes.Bush listened to Paulson before he left office and Obama kept Paulson .He either bought the whole cock and bull story or learned the truth as he continued with Bernake and Geithner,to promote an agenda that transcends party lines which has nothing to do with the welfare or the will of the American people . What happened to auditing the Federal Reserve? Where did the money go? Nobody will tell and they sometimes,like January 2010 ,they say they don't know. Our Congress endorsed bail outs for the very people who caused the economic crisis in the first place . The United States has been economically terrorized and there were no"Muslim Fundamentalist" involved .

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Akh A "Crock" or a MSH

Messiah, the translation of the Old Testament Hebrew word pronounced maw-shakh ,meaning Anointed One , which when translated into the New Testament Greek is Christos.

The Egyptians saw the king as divine and as early as the Fourth Dynasty (27th century BC) the king was looked upon as the Son of Ra .The king was anointed ,not with oil but with the fat of the holy crocodile. This ancient Egyptian word for crocodile was MeSeH or msh ,as there were no vowels in ancient Egyptian or Hebrew. This word seems to be the origin of the word Messiah.The image of two crocodiles were used for the title of sovereign,bestowed on the king at the time of coronation.In their time ,the 25th century BC,the builders of the pyramids venerated Osiris. He was looked upon as an ancient king ,slain on a Friday( like Jesus ) but by his brother Seth,who dismembered his body in order to deny him a second life.His wife Isis was able to collect his remains and,using a magic ritual ,reassembled his body to restore him to life again after three days ( again like Jesus), but to a life not on earth but in the underworld, where ,physically resurrected,he became the god and judge of the dead."The Pyramid Text",carved on walls of burial chambers,contain the recitation by the priest of Osiris:"This Osiris,is thy son.Thou hast caused him to flourish and live. He lives , this king lives... he has not perished... he endures, this king endures." The scholar J. Gwyn Griffiths comments in his book The Origins of Osiris and His Cult:"These words and others like them are some of some significance in human history,for they are the earliest expressions in literature of a belief in life after death."

In the latter years of the 18th Dynasty the Osiris cult morphed into what became a cult called Serapis whose followers were promised eternal life without the need for mummification if they confessed their belief in the deity and went through the initiation ritual. As a result the Serapis Cult, open to the poor as well as the rich , became the most popular religion in Egypt and eventually replaced the other cults as the official religion of state.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ahk In Hell , A Response Note On Intolerance

Pt 1

Intolerance seems to be built into the first commandment which is a trait of monotheistic religions that followed since Akhnaton ,( the father of Tut),decreed the very same commandment "Thou shalt have no other god before me,"except he substituted the "Aten" in place of all the other gods in the temples of Egypt.He enforced his theocratic monotheism under the threat of death with the might of the Egyptian army of his era.His preoccupation developing a cult that allowed him to do what ever he wished morally and loot the considerable wealth from all the other temples (gods),almost brought down that entire Empire,in fact the Egyptian Pharonic blood line really stops at his son,Tutankhaten ,known to us as Tutankhamun.Tut changed his name or had his name changed by his uncle , the next king ,as a gesture of goodwill to bring back polytheism to Egypt .The worship of the"Aten" was outlawed on punishment of death by Horemheb , the Pharaoh after Aye( Tut's uncle)and continued by Rameses after Horemheb died.Later Judaism,Christianity, and finally Islam continued this same self supporting tradition of intolerance when they come to their powers with the threat of violence and death to all who opposed them , the non believers ,over the centuries.Theoretically, at least , people should be able to express varied opinions on Facebook. I haven't noticed the "Atheist wing" of Facebook ,not that I would wish to join in. I would rather be seen as one of the "Shepherd Kings"who were enemies of the Egyptians and feared because they didn't join together but worshiped different gods and had their own armies and supported individual agendas.That sounds like "Freedom" to me.

Pt 2 a further response..

"The Golden Rule"looks good on paper and spouting the party line will gather the tribe together for a chorus of "Amens"but the ancient Jewish tradition of arguing in the temple wasn't a rote memorization but a way of reasoning with the ideas of morality from the Torah and the old books ,their meanings brought forth clearer by discussion and commentary.My bringing up the topic of recorded ancient Egyptian history here may not fair well but what I cited was the birth of intolerance,the beginning of monotheism and theocracy.Monotheist have spun commentary on history to suggest that monotheism was a step up from polytheism in it's abstract personal omniscient,yet omnipresent god that abandoned idolatry,but polytheism intrinsically was tolerant of others. Now, when the first commandment is cited in each sect of the continuation of monotheism in the Hebraic tradition, each denomination or each monotheist tribe of Jews, Christians,or Muslims,is really pointing to their own personal gods,versions endorsed by their communities,supported by secular commentary on the basic writings as seen by the individually developed and separated tribes.Do the Muslim martyrs go to the same heaven as the Jewish and Christian martyrs?There are as many sects of Islam as there are Christian variations.Are there as many heavens?Their interpretations of the Koran vary from Jihad to Submissive peace but,again,it all looks good on paper.Off the paper and into the world, Muslims can drink,smoke,take drugs,kill,divorce,lie,and generally sin just as well as Jews and Christians.Do they go to the same hell?The answer depends on which church survives the"Rapture","Armegedon",or the final"Jihad".This moment,now is real, typing, thinking,reading,and communicating.Good or bad, this moment we are alive.The goodness of this moment is universally accepted across all religious denominations.It would be nice if the world could concentrate on this moment and accept the goodness of life and see the agreements and not the differences.

Ahk In Hell Continued

There was a hell in ancient Egypt , too , way , way back as far as 8 to ten thousand years BC. We really see their gods as myths now but the main characters (gods) ,Isis, Osiris, and Set were an epic Greek myth-tragedy before there were Greek myths. Osiris was married to Isis and his brother,Set,was jealous.Set seems almost like a character out of an old time movie western with the guy twiddling his mustash and putting the heroine on the railroad track. Set attempted to kill Osiris by giving him a coffin which Osiris had to try on for size ( he never saw the Wiley Cayote movies). When he got into the coffin Set closed the lid , trapped him and sent him down the Nile in the coffin. Isis searches for her husband and eventually finds him by playing the role of a nurse in one of her adventures incarnated as a human. She is discovered by the mother of a little boy when she is performing rites with the child she is supposed to be watching.She seems to engulf the child in fire to the chagrin of the mother till she learns that it is Isis, the goddess of love and wife of Osiris.Isis found Osiris in a tree that had grown in the house she was posing as a nurse.Isis takes the tree, gets the body of Osiris ,and puts it on a raft traveling down the Nile again. She sits on the dead Osiris,evidently,in a particularly opportune place and thus she incredibly becomes pregnant( a variation on the virgin birth ) with her son,Horus,who becomes the embodiment of Osiris on earth.Osiris becomes the god of the underworld,and the thrown of Egypt becomes the "Thrown of Isis", the Pharoahs of Egypt are given the honorary name or title Horus as one of their many names.

All the pharaohs were anointed ones,Christ in Greek,anointed with oil when they took office as King and sat on the Thrown of Isis. By the 18th Dynasty,politics played a deeper role in the rites of kings in that the kings were named after other gods,for instance Amun Ra,was the most popular,rich,and,powerful god since the time of Hatshepsut (a woman pharoah)who wouldn't relinquish the throne to her young nephew ,heir to the throne , Thutmosis III(dedicated to the god "Thoth").She called herself the daughter of Amun and was endorsed by the powerful priest of Amun Ra to keep her in power in spite of the true succession she detained for years.Akhanton's father's name was Amenophis III a son of Amun as was his previous namesakes. Akhnaton was Amenophis IV but changed his name to Akhenaten in favor of a new father,an old god, but a new way of looking at Aten Re.He declared himself the son of god and told the people that the only way they could gain favor with the Aten was through him. Akhetaten was the name of the city he built after taking all the gold from all the other temples and left town with his cult followers,his court.

In those days the Pharoah of Egypt was a god on earth with his name ,dedicated to one of the gods,his father. When he died and was buried, the expectation was that he would have eternal life like Osiris in the underworld.Being buried with all his toys and a lot of loot,he was expecting to come back and party. After Akhnaton's revolution,his cult of Aten made it possible for all people to be buried and dream of coming back in an afterlife and having those things that most people say "You can't take with you.."This was part of the promise of Akhnaton.Akhnaton was a heretic, a child molester,possibly a real mother fucker, the original Oedipus, a giver of laws,and a leader of a revolution from the top that was unprecedented throughout history.He created Theocracy and monotheistic intolerance which he enforced with violence ( like the current Taliban)as he had the entire Egyptian army of his era which he inherited.He screwed that up too,all in the name of a god and a cult he invented.

Sigmond Freud concluded,in his last book around 1933,"Moses and Monotheism" that Moses was probably a diciple of Atenism.Immanuel Velikovsky wrote "Oedipus and Akhnaton" in the early sixties in which he successfully shows the many similarities between the Greek tragedy and the historical reality. Ahmed Osman wrote "Moses ,King of Egypt" in which his motive is to show that Akhnaton became Moses after his dethronement and banishment.William Theau brought a lot of like minded people together in 2000 with the premise that Akhnaton was several mythic characters ,namely Oedipus, Moses, and Hermes Tri-Megistus.Hermes,a root name associated with Hermeticism is often cited in secret societies and can even be found in the ancient Gnostic literature found in 1945 , the Nag Hamadi Scrolls,the "Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth".

The occurrences of incest in Egypt were not necessarily indicative of that culture.There may have been this aberration in the Fourth Dynasty but the re-occurrence and acceptance of incest in the Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt was not something that went unnoticed by the general populace as graffiti from that era has suggested the King,Akhnaton, was not thought of in normal terms. It is my opinion that Egypt was corrupted by the nearby Mittinian culture which was probably around ancient Persia.The Magi who were priest of Surya , an ancient Persian god before the later,related ,Zoroaster. A Magus became ordained after having relations with his own mother through the rite of"Xvaetvadatha".The Persian practices were known but were not accepted by the Greek culture later or even the Romans. Xvaetvadatha is a topic that might be of interest to the seasonal topic of the Magi traveling from the East to see the new king (Jesus) and what kind of people they actually might have been.