Messiah, the translation of the Old Testament Hebrew word pronounced maw-shakh ,meaning Anointed One , which when translated into the New Testament Greek is Christos.
The Egyptians saw the king as divine and as early as the Fourth Dynasty (27th century BC) the king was looked upon as the Son of Ra .The king was anointed ,not with oil but with the fat of the holy crocodile. This ancient Egyptian word for crocodile was MeSeH or msh ,as there were no vowels in ancient Egyptian or Hebrew. This word seems to be the origin of the word Messiah.The image of two crocodiles were used for the title of sovereign,bestowed on the king at the time of coronation.In their time ,the 25th century BC,the builders of the pyramids venerated Osiris. He was looked upon as an ancient king ,slain on a Friday( like Jesus ) but by his brother Seth,who dismembered his body in order to deny him a second life.His wife Isis was able to collect his remains and,using a magic ritual ,reassembled his body to restore him to life again after three days ( again like Jesus), but to a life not on earth but in the underworld, where ,physically resurrected,he became the god and judge of the dead."The Pyramid Text",carved on walls of burial chambers,contain the recitation by the priest of Osiris:"This Osiris,is thy son.Thou hast caused him to flourish and live. He lives , this king lives... he has not perished... he endures, this king endures." The scholar J. Gwyn Griffiths comments in his book The Origins of Osiris and His Cult:"These words and others like them are some of some significance in human history,for they are the earliest expressions in literature of a belief in life after death."
In the latter years of the 18th Dynasty the Osiris cult morphed into what became a cult called Serapis whose followers were promised eternal life without the need for mummification if they confessed their belief in the deity and went through the initiation ritual. As a result the Serapis Cult, open to the poor as well as the rich , became the most popular religion in Egypt and eventually replaced the other cults as the official religion of state.
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