All the pharaohs were anointed ones,Christ in Greek,anointed with oil when they took office as King and sat on the Thrown of Isis. By the 18th Dynasty,politics played a deeper role in the rites of kings in that the kings were named after other gods,for instance Amun Ra,was the most popular,rich,and,powerful god since the time of Hatshepsut (a woman pharoah)who wouldn't relinquish the throne to her young nephew ,heir to the throne , Thutmosis III(dedicated to the god "Thoth").She called herself the daughter of Amun and was endorsed by the powerful priest of Amun Ra to keep her in power in spite of the true succession she detained for years.Akhanton's father's name was Amenophis III a son of Amun as was his previous namesakes. Akhnaton was Amenophis IV but changed his name to Akhenaten in favor of a new father,an old god, but a new way of looking at Aten Re.He declared himself the son of god and told the people that the only way they could gain favor with the Aten was through him. Akhetaten was the name of the city he built after taking all the gold from all the other temples and left town with his cult followers,his court.
In those days the Pharoah of Egypt was a god on earth with his name ,dedicated to one of the gods,his father. When he died and was buried, the expectation was that he would have eternal life like Osiris in the underworld.Being buried with all his toys and a lot of loot,he was expecting to come back and party. After Akhnaton's revolution,his cult of Aten made it possible for all people to be buried and dream of coming back in an afterlife and having those things that most people say "You can't take with you.."This was part of the promise of Akhnaton.Akhnaton was a heretic, a child molester,possibly a real mother fucker, the original Oedipus, a giver of laws,and a leader of a revolution from the top that was unprecedented throughout history.He created Theocracy and monotheistic intolerance which he enforced with violence ( like the current Taliban)as he had the entire Egyptian army of his era which he inherited.He screwed that up too,all in the name of a god and a cult he invented.
Sigmond Freud concluded,in his last book around 1933,"Moses and Monotheism" that Moses was probably a diciple of Atenism.Immanuel Velikovsky wrote "Oedipus and Akhnaton" in the early sixties in which he successfully shows the many similarities between the Greek tragedy and the historical reality. Ahmed Osman wrote "Moses ,King of Egypt" in which his motive is to show that Akhnaton became Moses after his dethronement and banishment.William Theau brought a lot of like minded people together in 2000 with the premise that Akhnaton was several mythic characters ,namely Oedipus, Moses, and Hermes Tri-Megistus.Hermes,a root name associated with Hermeticism is often cited in secret societies and can even be found in the ancient Gnostic literature found in 1945 , the Nag Hamadi Scrolls,the "Discourse on the Eighth and the Ninth".
The occurrences of incest in Egypt were not necessarily indicative of that culture.There may have been this aberration in the Fourth Dynasty but the re-occurrence and acceptance of incest in the Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt was not something that went unnoticed by the general populace as graffiti from that era has suggested the King,Akhnaton, was not thought of in normal terms. It is my opinion that Egypt was corrupted by the nearby Mittinian culture which was probably around ancient Persia.The Magi who were priest of Surya , an ancient Persian god before the later,related ,Zoroaster. A Magus became ordained after having relations with his own mother through the rite of"Xvaetvadatha".The Persian practices were known but were not accepted by the Greek culture later or even the Romans. Xvaetvadatha is a topic that might be of interest to the seasonal topic of the Magi traveling from the East to see the new king (Jesus) and what kind of people they actually might have been.
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