Yesterday the news blew chunks of political rhetoric and so much posturing that any ape blush might be seen to blush in front of these two candidates . I know it isn't politically correct to compare Obama to an ape . Fuck him as well as McCain , the other stupid ape . The problem is that we are all fucked . This year the political microscope couldn't find one actual person to come to the top of the barrel other than the sensational candidacies that have been forwarded . Clinton , Obama , and Palin all are certainly questionable characters . Each one is littered in lack of experience , their own lies , and their own characterization of themselves like they are the second coming of JFK . JFK wasn't really JFK . How does this strike you ? I knew JFK and he was no "JFK". McCain being cast as a "Maverick " might be funny in another world than this one where "Spinning" has become the rule of thumb in the republican camp . Here is a guy who's main claim to fame is that he was a POW. Look , I like the POWs as much as the next guy , but he didn't make any decisions about Viet Nam other than to fly the plane in and by chance be shot down . The last eight years have shown him to be a candidate that bends over and kisses his opponents ass , namely Bush , after he is humiliated . This isn't the action of a "Maverick" . Four years of Senator-ship doesn't give the pretty boy , Obama, the right to ascend to the presidency . The endorsement of the Kennedy family doesn't make him a "Kennedy". As I mentioned before , "The Kennedy's aren't the Kennedy's." The spin has gotten so deep , the "Fear" so great , that as a people we are wiling to buy our next generation with their own incomes which still won't pay for the last eight years of mistakes.
Ok, so the stock market crashes . Let it fucking crash ! Let them know what it is like to get no help from this government like the people of New Orleans . Oh , New Orleans wasn't a threat to the United States . The Stock Market isn't the threat any more than Saddam Hussein was a threat . The Stock Market has crashed before . Let them jump out their proverbial and actual windows , especially the CEOs that took and took because of the republican deregulation design that brought us to this point . How can you trust the fox in the chicken pen? The fox is living in the pen and eating all the chickens and is running out of chickens and is asking us to provide more chickens . It isn't like we don't recognise that they are carnivorous , greedy animals. Those poor economist are afraid of losing their plush jobs on television , commentating smugly while others go under . Let them go under ! The poor man who came up with this brilliant plan , a man who has already amassed hundreds of millions of dollars , is begging the congress to approve his plan to get seven hundred billion dollars to play with the way he would see fit . Can congress really give an unelected official the power to bankrupt this country on a bet against what might happen ? There is no guarantee of anything here and , so far, no oversight or way of pulling out of the deal . Our congress is bought and sold by capitalism , by the lobbyist ,by big business . We all knew this was happening and nodded knowingly and allowed it to continue .
I can't believe that I agreed with the republican conservatives last week . I was against the "Bailout" . I don't know exactly why the republicans are as they seemed to support big business and anything that they came across with for the last eight years . The point is that I don't believe this program at all , the senators , the congressmen, the president , and certainly not that damned guy who came up with a plan of 700 billion dollars for him to blow which ever way he likes with no bars on his power . What more power can the man have ? They have already screwed us for eight years and now there is going to be a guarantee that the fuck can last through The next two generations . Not only was the Supreme Court compromised but our world identity and word is a darker mud than it ever was in the past . The bill was past in the Senate this morning and it is supposed to go to the Congress . I am hoping that the few Democrats opposing it will hang tough and the Republicans will stay against it as well . Credit Schmedic . I can't pay for anything so why should they be able to afford a god damn thing . I am beginning to lean toward the terrorist point of view . If this government is truly out of control then what is left ?
It was my opinion that the elected officials were to execute the will of the people not the what they think would be good for the people . If I had the nerve I wouldn't vote at all this election but the outcome of McCain and Palin is a further insult to the intellegence . The truth is that there are other , better ways to resolve the economic crunch than just throwing good money after bad . The first thing to do is to "Regulate" the fucking companies that have abused this system before they do it again . Is this the United States of Stupid ? Are we really asking to get fucked in the ass again . There is no guarantee on the "Bailout" and calling is a "Rescue" is just further spinning and screwing with our heads . If this goes through to fruition and after all this is recognised and McCain is elected , America , you are a stupider bitch than I thought you were .
I saw the end of a Chris Rock movie this evening that seemed like a parody of the current election . I think they mentioned the year 2005 as the year a black man was elected .you have to wonder about how much was telegraphed in politics before we got here . In the mock presidential debate that was in the movie , Rock assumed a vernacular position to gain his electorate mentioning that he had been poor , had gotten high , had been in jail , etc . His opponent was saying things like , "In a dangerous time as it is right now , we can't afford to have an amateur in the Whitehouse .The two arguments seemed strangely familiar . The current election is on the edge of becoming a race war with too much politeness . McCain actually had to turn down his rhetoric for fear of presenting a campaign that sounded like a Klu Klux Klan rally .The thing is that , if Obama is elected , after eight years the rhetoric against him is likely to be stronger than it is now and some of it well might be the truth . Who knows what really lies ahead ?
This election has been walking on eggs since the advent of Hillary Clinton's powerful try . If there could be rhetoric directed against a man why not directed against a woman ? This should hold true in the case of a black man . The fact is that in both cases their opponents have had to pull their punches when there were many points that could only be seen from the point of view of a woman or a black man running in a presidential election . The actual responses of the white women and white men to a woman didn't come to a conclusion with the election of Obama as the candidate . The outcome of this election has been fore-drawn by many of the talking heads of television . I am sure that the various factors speak for their sponsors and really do vote the same way . What will be , will be but I still think that a black man will not be held responsible like a white man . The invective will be a careful , continued "walking on eggs" and , if that is the case , we will really lose in the end the essence of the meaning of this turnover , this backlash from the Republican administration that is being blamed for the current condition of the economy and the compromised identity of America . The next president will inherit problems that may be insurmountable and will most probably be blamed for the failure of the current "Buy out" and other desperate measures taken at this time by a lame duck administration , if their efforts are sincere at all . I don't think that electing Obama will cause the government to be more representative or responsible to it's constituency . we have , indeed , lost again , with whomever is elected .
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