Right now it is dangerous to point out the deficiencies in the current administration.The Wiki-Leeks Guy , Manning , a young man in the military,a "Whistle Blower" that saw atrocities commited by our military, exposed them ,acting on his beliefs ,was tortured for a year before he was brought into court to admit his guilt. Is that Military justice here in America? The Obama Administration has continued the Bush policy, the "Patriot Act' and the amplified "Patriot",the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an act that should be recognized as treasonous to the basic aesthetic American Civil Rights that were guaranteed in the Constitution ,those "Inalienable Rights" that we once cherished.Tis is all done in the name of protection or the illusion of protection.I don't believe for a second that the wars in Viet Nam , Iraq, or Afghanistan have protected me in any way. I have been in harms way many times but not in war but here in the States. I would like to be protected from the police. Even bringing up the subject is a dangerous thing to do .The police of PG County Maryland were out of control before the attacks of 9/11 and their abuses escalated afterward like Johnson's Viet Nam.
The current volunteer military should know what they are doing before they sign their lives away and trust this government.Signing that contract is endorsing what ever policy the administration of either political party puts on our flag , that pretense of acting in the name of me , you,and the rest of the American citizenry.Pre-emptive strikes are accepted as the American way.Drone strikes without regard to the innocent lives afected and sometimes snuffed out . The term"Collateral damage" has brought about the acceptable spin that negates the term that should be used ,"Murder".Torture and occupying countries are now what the American military does for us.They are creating more enemies than friends and not protecting us at all.Our government is neglecting the basic need for government in the first place of protecting our own territories and shores,for instance the New Orleans flood of 2005 and in 2010 the protection of our shores was somehow given to BP Oil along the Southern Coast and not our military. When people say that they are fighting for me , that is a lie , a spin created to perpetuate this myth that America is the greatest , the most powerful , able to leap tall buildings in a singly bound , and all that jazz. Raising the flag has become a diversion from what ever secret comes to be seen that they have determined shouldn't be seen ,like those Wiki Leeks ,or for instance or in the early seventies, "The Pentagon Papers".America has faltered.
We are being run by the corporates who have been considered citizens since January 2010. The last election was the first time that they were able openly to buy out the candidates.Don't believe the current "Spin" being told by the corporate press or the imaginary television journalist that the excessive ,undisclosed campaign funds didn't affect the last election. The current congress are still paying back their benefactors and will continue to ignore the American people in favor of their money sources.The current congress has said and done nothing about the " Citizen's United " decision. They are working as a team ,both Republicans and Democrats to undermine our democracy in favor of the "Corpocracy" that they are supporting .
Any one who joins the military will be subjected to what the corporate masters decree and not representing American citizens any more than our congress represents us anymore. Our military , including the National Guard , has been tied up in Afghanistan for over ten years ,they are spread across the world. The bases in Germany ,Italy, in fact throughout Europe are worthless except for what they cost . That is where the money has gone . Privatizing Social Security is a terrible price for individual citizens to pay and could be analogous to the current ten percent thievery on the table in Cyprus.
Man , the police will not protect you but will come after you have been stabbed.If you get caught in the mess of the Justice System , they will throw the book at you ,lie, make up charges and then you will plea bargain in an attempt to extricate yourself . That is the justice department's job ,a habit of lies which allows criminals to get off easy and the innocent to pay through the nose ,if they can afford it . The military is a political pawn , a mythological representation of National Defense. They are not defending anyone anymore . They are aggressors. We are now an aggressor Nation. Wasn't that what Germany and Japan achieved in 1941 ? So we have both the "Gestapo" and the "Brown Shirt Gang" invading ,peacefully killing in our name .Supporting the "Good Dictators" like "The Shah of Iran",Sadam ,Musharraf, Mubarak,not to mention previously supporting and arming Osama Bin Laden are all the self serving bad policies of past administrations acting on our behalf. At present the Obama administration is tetering on the policy of supporting the Syrian Insurgence who well might actually be Al Caeda .The International Conglomerates that own this country have profitted on each of the wars. Our National debt continues to goe up, the economy is shaky for the individual citizen, but Wall Street thrives ,like right now . No, I don't support this military or this government.The problems are systemic and deeper than mere political parties.It is dangerous to speak out against this administration,even more so than against the Bush criminals who were pardoned before they were brought up on charges in one of Obama's first acts as president in 2008.Kind of reminds me of "Ford"pardoning Nixon yet Obama isn't supposed to be a Republican.