Recently , I joined "Facebook" . I did apply in August of this year but found that they wanted my license picture or some form of identification and backed out . Last week I decided to take a pic of me holding my license from my camcorder . It came out blurry but they accepted it so I could upload some of my music if I wanted . I did upload music and photos of paintings much as I have on other sites I have built that have no social interaction . In under a week I build a rather complicated set of pages , some of which I actually couldn't seem to navigate myself . I was happy to connect with quite a few people , some of whom I haven't seen in a long time . Generally , the "Facebook" thing was coming along till last night when , out of the corner of my eye, I saw the CBS News saying something about "Facebook".
I was happy that the article came fairly quickly in the program as it seems when I tune in to find out something about the morning weather , I always catch the weather person saying , "When we come back , we'll talk about the coming blizzard.." , or something of that sort . The "Facebook" story was about the fact that "Facebook" claims ownership of everything that is uploaded to their site . In the television article there were family pictures and a mother saying something about how she didn't want those pictures to be used in the future by "Facebook" . I thought to myself ," Who would want photos of that ugly baby ?" It also occurred to me that my mug shots would sure not be sought out by the local pedophiles or father rapers or who ever the threat is coming from , anyway . The doctored photo shown here of me and "Beka of Atenbrook farm" or Akhnaton's sister who married her her own father Ammonophis III about three thousand or so years ago, also seem to be not exactly what would be sought after in "Facebook". What did make me delete most of my uploaded photos and music was after I went into the terms and conditions of "Facebook" and found exactly what the CBS News was reporting , namely that "Facebook" claimed ownership of all things published on their sites for perpetuity . Gee , "Perpetuity" is a long time . I probably won't last till the time comes , if it ever comes . There are groups of "Facebook" participants joined together in class action suits to test the legality of the terms and conditions set forth by "Facebook" . I wonder if I will live to see the outcome of that , oh , I probably will . I never thought I would live this long and even last week I wondered if I would live to see my birthday a few days ago . I made it !
Those things coming out of the corner of the eye can be informative as well as erroneous . I mean , sometimes you merely get an impression . If you see a car coming at you out of the corner of your eye , you tend to move . it isn't that one doesn't occasionally see things or imagine things and jump when there is nothing . Some things are more obvious than others like the weather . Bob Dylan once wrote ,"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows ," yet it would be nice if the weatherman could tell you if there is an accumulation of snow expected in the morning . Sometimes I think that the local weather people are more involved with maintaining their expensive suits than predicting actual weather events . They seem to just fill air time with promises of predicting what will be when they never say anything at all . This is a lot like the football commentators who always say something like "You have to move the ball down the field ." Football fans , in general , already have the gist of the goals of football . I mean , you end up having to get up in the morning to find out what is happening instead of watching it on the news the previous night . It might not be the actual report or the way it is reported but the way you think about it . You can't always believe what you think .
I saw a self help program , again out of the corner of my eye , where they gave many points about positive thought and movement and changing your life , most of which I forgot as soon as it was mentioned . The one point I did remember was ,"Don't always believe what you think ." Every moment we all are imagining many ideas , they come and go , some stick to the mind , and some don't , just like the dreams we have when we are asleep . Sometimes thoughts of jealousy or of devious conspiracies that would be seen as schizophrenic proof to phychoanalyst , come and go with the rest of the thoughts . This doesn't mean that your wife or husband is cheating or that your friend at work is trying to get your job , in fact , they are just fleeting thoughts without substance . You can't really believe everything that comes to mind . The thoughts of murder and suicide come and go yet most people don't act on these thoughts except for those who really do have schizophrenic symptoms , imagining and believing things that have no substance , acting on their dreams . Those father rapers sure are a strange group . What could they be thinking ? Oh well , they probably just don't get the credit they deserve or something like that ...
All this has made my "Facebook" site come to a clean start . I will probably be more careful what I am posting but I will bring back some of the music and a few paintings . I might even go out searching for ugly babies that I can store in my photo album . My blog might be still be harmless enough for "Facebook" . It is like the idea of the government looking in and reading the Email of the American people . What dummy has that job ? This is just another example of military intelligence . In passing , for that poor FBI or "Homeland Security" agent ,I might as well put the word "Taliban" just to get on the national weather map .
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