Today , the end of August 2009, there is a debate in America about the right of our country to torture prisoners.What is it we are fighting for in Iraq or Afghanistan? Are we fighting for the right to torture prisoners throughout the world as well? How far can we go in the name of "National Security"? Does this right to torture include torturing Americans? Has this already occurred?Is it happening right now?
While we continue to wave the flag and shout platitudes of glory ,our system has been compromised. This isn't a new occasion as I saw it in 1968 Chicago.Today on "Hardball" with Chris Mathews I saw a woman , a recent talking head , say that most Americans sided against the Viet Nam War when the Chicago riots were televised . She was echoing the later Nixon Whitehouse political characterization of the "Silent Majority". That Democratic Convention put a nail in the party that was already self destructing by not recognizing the murders of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy , both major Democrats killed months before the "Riots"occurred. Incidentally, I knew kids who were going to the Chicago that year . They invited me to join because it was a planned social event , a "Be In" , a "Protest rally" . Those "Kids" weren't going to cause a riot at all.The right to assembly was supposed to be the right of our citizenry. While the Republicans won over the self destructing Democrats that year , within four years Nixon had compromised the CIA and the FBI in his own misuse of power in the name of his presidency. The political assassination of McGovern wasn't really needed to win the following election yet the "Watergate" break in was just a tip of that iceberg , another "Witch Hunt" which was to have forced answers.
Nearly forty years from that date and the climate become too dangerous to disagree with the party in power. The Bush Whitehouse made the line ,"..Have one doubt and they call it treason"( "Compared to What?") a reality in America .The Iraq War, founded in lies, continued with characterizations after the actual facts. While our economy has gone into the dumper, our cites suffer the lack of funds , and are actually physically threatened, as in New Orleans, our big businesses are supported with "Bail Outs"while our citizenry looks on incredibly , losing their houses and jobs along the way. Is it any wonder that the question of torture can be brought up at such a time in our history? Torture has been used by our government and the victims become scapegoats that deflect the attention of a flag waving public being swayed by political posturing and the vengeance of recent years.Obama says he doesn't wish to look back and is continuing the cover up by his inaction. Why would we expect him to be any different than the rest of Congress who continue to protect their right to a health care program , yearly raises in their salary, and continued benefits from big business lobbyist. In spite all the campaign promises in years since Reagan of campaign reform , term limits, and curbing power of the lobbyist , all questions are moot once the elections are over.The question of "Torture" also is becoming a dull roar but we should never abandon the principals of our ideology for the immediate gratification of political interest.
The fight of the "Chicago Seven" was another "Witch Trial" , another small war that was fought in the name of all of our rights as citizens. The trials continue. The problem continues. The Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Trials haven't really stopped as well as the persecution of Jews. Our founding fathers were witnesses to what religion and government could do in England and saw fit to provide a separation of church and state for fear of this theocratic possibility.Torture goes along with Theocracy . It can be seen in the Taliban of Afghanistan as they existed in 1998 . The idea can be seen in Akhenaten in 1200 BC who supported his monotheism with the military of Egypt.Both of these Theocracies were brought down temporarily yet re-surfaced in other places , in other forms. If America would be a democracy or a republican plurality , it still must adhere to it's principals and recognize history ,not coloring and characterizing politically or supporting torturous methods at any time for any cause lest our government becomes our enemy.This terrible repetition of bad history lessons passes state and party lines across the globe as well as in America.Bring the question to an end here and now. Torture does not bring any good at any time when used by any government for any cause.The next person tortured could be you.
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