Trusting private enterprise to help the needy brings more corruption and the government seems to make the simplest items much more complicated. So what should we do ?We have just come through another era that will be looked back on as dirty with corruption. Last February instead of throwing billions of dollars to Wall Street and the banking industry , congress should have been re-regulating both Wall Street and US Banking the way that they were regulated after the crash of 1929 produced the great depression. The corruption and calamity that came from the greed of both industries is the cause of our continuing economic crisis. Needless to say , no regulations have come about. The lobby for Wall Street and Banks across this country is more powerful than the promises made by candidates running for office after they gain their position. The lobbies that represent the Lawyers, Doctors, and Insurance Companies also are beating down the would be "Health Reform" bill .It seems like the Democrats can't even bully their way through with their precarious majority.In my opinion this bill was a diversion from the fact that congress didn't really address the current problems of regulation but politically dropped the ball while stewing , arguing , and pretending to act in behalf of an American People who they do not and will not be representing as they continue to fumble till the next election which promises more of the same. Big business has stepped across party lines just as it has stepped across State lines across the globe.Big business doesn't care about "Democracy" and , in fact , has been actively working against the principals of democracy since the Council on Foreign Relations of 1921, the Bilderberg Group , started in 1954 , and the Trilateral Commission , in 1973,.The world could tumble toward the sun and big business would still be controlling congress and indifferent to any population of any country.This is the result of "Capitalism" come to fruition and unbridled in America . This is what the American Dream is , making money ,not democracy or the principals it was supposedly built upon when the population was much smaller.
I don't believe our military should be fighting wars or creating wars ,especially wars initiated by a military machine that eats more than Haitians or even Americans.I saw that it will cost a million dollars a year for every American soldier in Afghanistan . Man, what are they feeding these guys , heroin? The character of the American soldier has changed tragically away from the good soldier of WWII.
Seeing our military on the ground in Haiti reminds me that we should have had more men on the ground in New Orleans and not in Iraq.I saw that story about the Israelis being set up as well as seeing that the Americans were holding back the flow of food and water for fear of violence.This seemed counter productive to me yet in character. Do they want to wait till the people starve and die and are quieted down by disease before they help ? It seems like the newscasters didn't have a bit of trouble getting in country and broadcasting for their sponsors.At least they dressed down a little for the gig to play their roles.The close ups of hungry children would be nicer to me if just one of the talking heads would stuff a sandwich or some candy in one of the crying kids mouths.
I am and have been against this military identity that has become America.We are "Big Brother", a character that was hated since George Orwell conceived it.Since 9/11 we have accepted the "Thought Police" as well as other ideas which are supposed to be protective devices for our society. You don't have to actually commit a crime but just talk about it ,think about it ,or write it down on paper and dissenting in a democracy became complicated affair during the Bush years . If our "Intelligence" can be so sensitive why didn't they pick up on what was really going on in the mid east before the attacks on the Trade Center Buildings or before the advent of the invasion of Iraq. I thought that the USSR was that "Big Brother" character till 1965 when I got a closer exposure to what Viet Nam was doing to our men as I worked a mere month at Travis AFB where men were returning as well as embarking to that costly "Police Action"in fear of imaginary "Dominoes" falling .We can develop a more benevolent "Big Brother" that doesn't have to threaten to gain respect but considering we are willing direct our military to fire on our own students who are practicing their right to dissent ,for instance Kent State, how can we think there is any control over the character or direction of our military much less the direction of the country.I will vote to break up all the monopolies in congress ,both democratic and republican in an effort to not allow either to do much because they both just screw up things all the more with their continuous lies to get into office and to maintain their seats and power. No more congress and president of the same party. Period.
My vote will still not change the fact that The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission are still running the show and not the Congress of the American people.