Everybody is getting arrested . Everyone is pointing fingers. It looks like a football game and the guys are pointing at the other team,"They did it!" Everyone is innocent . Everybody wants to see somebody else blamed for all the things that have gone wrong , for all the injustice , for all the times the bad guy gets ahead in the world , and for all the people who don't deserve to be where ever they are in the imagination of the imaginary American People .
They are busting people for laughing at people .Today the people who run professional basketball fined the Washington Wizards players ten thousand dollars a piece for laughing at a man who was pretending he had guns ,pointing his fingers as if he were shooting them . The man pointing his fingers may or may not have had guns in his locker room , may or may not have had them loaded, may or may not have pointed one at a fellow player, may or may not..... The point is he has been ostracized on innuendo and gossip . The finger is pointed at him , a millionaire professional ball player ,overpaid , athletic entertainer .
The evening news has focused on the "Gate Crashers" , recognizable people who were able to get into a Whitehouse party . This has preoccupied the attention of serious newscasters, if that concept exist anymore . The idea is that there could have been an assassination . Suddenly there are other "Gate crashers" and other would be scenarios .What were they thinking ? The finger pointers seem to know what they were thinking . They were thinking that they would kill him ! Good grief ! George Orwell rolls over and sighs.
"The Thought Police " are here and they are us . Our paranoia has finally allowed us to self destruct . Someone in the rest of the world is pointing their finger at us . We , the American People ,are the overpaid , uninformed, people who don't deserve to be where ever we are in the imagination of those people pointing their fingers at us . Every one seems to be pointing a finger . They did it ! He did it ! She did it ! What if we all did it ? So fucking what ! We all did it ! We all have done it !
If we all did it why are we all so guilty ?
Is this a continuation of "Original Sin" ? "Original sin" is a concept that has outlived it's use except for Bible thumping telemarketers.We are not guilty. We didn't do anything wrong by being born . The king ,once again ," ..is in the all together , he's all together as naked as the day that he was born ."
Stop pointing your finger at him , you are naked , too .
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