Brian Williams asked a direct question of the new,phony PR front man for BP but he was completely unresponsive ,speaking much as our Congressmen and Senators have as they come under indictment.Our American character as flag waving,card carrying("You vill show me da papers") policemen of the world had better repair home before there is no home.The fact is that Obama has done nothing but help big business screw America into an oily future just as the Republicans did for the last twelve years or more. 1996 was the last democratic hurrah , then came the ditto heads and now , the impostors , phony Democrats.Why bother to vote anymore?The terrorist aren't the enemy , we are ! Circle the wagons and start defending this country ,not Afghanistan , Iraq , Saudi Arabia, or Israel .The number one invasion spot should be the shores of the District of Columbia .A new Constitutional Convention , over forty years late,should be formed .Get rid of all the current representatives. As a country , we have to stop waving flags ,throwing sound bites around ,throwing parties ( the big fireworks display around the corner ), and work on repairing the intrinsic political problems of capitalism.Capitalism across the globe does not care about the idea of Democracy at all and neither do our congressmen ,senators, or president.
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