Characterizations are entertaining ,rhetorical fantasies but not realities.Lenin and Stalin were Marxist,Benito Mussolini was a Socialist.The Obama administration is not either of these things.Campaign rhetoric is expensive advertizing paid for by corporate interest and repeated by those swayed by the propaganda.This includes the delegates elected by the citizens of this country as well as the people who are accosted by expensive television ads.What individual citizen can afford to buy television ads to promote his or her particular point of view? No individual is taking this action.
The United States came together incorporating many compromises to form a stronger union against the British.Compromise means coming to the table ,discussing,and facing the opposition,with give and take.Compromise doesn't include the next election or personal gains.If there is no compromise then there is a shut down and that is what we are experiencing right now.Our elected representatives are failing to do their job which includes compromising and moving forward.
The executive branch does not run this country.The people who own this country ,those "powers that be",will do what ever they want in spite of our elections and the imaginary democratic majority will.Some may see this as the corporations who can afford lobbyist and major campaign money at this point.The lobbyist of the people used to be the Senators and Congressmen but they have changed alliances to follow the money,the trips, and the perks of their position.
The Supreme Court Decision of Jan,2010 was an insult to the American democracy and negated the "One man ,one vote" system that was the basis of our representative system from it's inception.Giving corporate entities the same rights of individual citizens has openly allowed "Plutocracy" to flourish.The Presidency and the individual presidents are one third of the corruption .There will be no panacea ,no way out, and no sudden resolution to the economic, political,or systemic problem.Poking at Obama is merely another distraction,much as in my opinion,the "Health Bill" was a distraction from the real systemic problems that have existed since the early nineteen sixties and not beginning with the attacks of 9/11/01 or in Obama's election of 2010.
It is hard to imagine the US government going socialist or communist when it has achieved Plutocracy for the 1% or less.Corporations have no interest in sharing. They couldn't exist and thrive as they are without a capitalist system.
Some people seem to have the hope of bringing back some imaginary better era ,a paradise America of the past ,somewhere in the idyllic fifties.Who could forget the McCarthy era .We are way past that in fear mongering having come through the Bush-Cheney era.That is not to say that Obama has changed anything,in fact,I am tempted to go to the airport and get in line just to be felt up and smile for the TSA agent,even though I am not getting on a plane.
Communism and socialism ,in general, are moot points , an imaginary enemy with no teeth, something like making a point of "Where was Obama born?". There recently was a debate on a Constitutional Amendment to balance the budget which was on the same par as both Communism and birth places in being a waste of time ,a diversion,smoke and mirrors,like the year spent on a phony,watered down "Health Bill"eventually orchestrated by Insurance Companies.The foxes are ruling the hen house.The rhetoric of pointing fingers at others as a defense of the proposed Messianic Republican clowns running for president and being covered intensely by the press ,is not a new tactic and it doesn't really help the Republican cause .At least they are openly supporting their corporate masters.

The Democrats are more subtle but the misplaced loyalty crosses the aisle.The BP Oil Spill was a perfect example of the Democrats bending over to protect big oil.Need I remind you that the protection of the shores of America is the duty of our government and not the oil companies.The millions of people who have been negatively affected by the British Petroleum Oil Company's catastrophic mistake and not reimbursed for the hardship or destruction of their livelihood shouldn't forget that the regulation of drilling was lax under the Democrats as well as the Republicans.This gambling method of protecting our shores and seas continues to this day.Regulations are constantly being tested and withdrawn instead of endorsed .Campaign funds should not be more important than the welfare of our citizenry and the protection of our environment.
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