"A Moral Stance" or "Amoral"(Blow up the Composite Painting and Read the fine print)
I hope you are noticing what is going to happen to the American Internet and very soon.
I have been seeing a lot of ads on TV here that are anti-EPA which are obviously coming from big business interest who haven't a care for our environment . It reminds me of the current ads that are supposedly in support of "Anti- Internet piracy",ads which I also don't buy for a second.The Internet should be left alone by the government and the expensive propaganda isn't supported by individuals but once again by corporate interest. The anti-EPA propaganda ,suggesting writing to congressmen and the president to complain is so blatantly in the name of the corporate interest that it should have actors wearing headbands , hooks, and parrots .The Supreme Court was wrong in the decision of 1/2010 giving corporate groups the rights of individual citizens and these ads are precursors of how they will control the coming election with campaign contributions beyond any individual citizen's means.Fat chance this congress will curb the corruption before the election.
SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act. It essentially creates an internet blacklist in the US, where offending sites are no longer accessible by domain name.Lobbyists from the entertainment industry claim SOPA is intended to block foreign sites that specialize in illegal music and movie downloads, or counterfeit goods but companies will use whatever means available to strong-arm us.This is GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP OF THE INTERNET. It undermines the security of the Internet and makes America the same as totalitarian regimes already doing the same thing like China,or ,for instance ,Egypt before the Revolution. Incidentally, the Egyptian Internet was blocked by an American company directed by the Mubarac regime.Our Internet is on borrowed time . The Bill was just deferred till Spring but this country is messing up everything by allowing big business to bully our Democracy ,our very way of life.With SOPA, unscrupulous companies will try to shut down entire businesses over complaints that could be resolved with a simple DMCA notice(The Digital Millennium Copyright Act). Companies will use SOPA to circumvent the traditional DMCA process. If your website has even one piece of infringing material (such as an unlicensed picture on a user page), this material could be used as an excuse to:
1) Block your domain name, essentially shutting off your site to the US.
2) Block your advertisers and payment processors.
3) Block your search engine listings.
All of this could happen without having to prove anything in court.
The advertising propaganda in the millions of dollars supporting SOPA is an example of our Plutocracy in action.The next election will be a continuation of the same bully tactics,creating imaginary schisms between Americans yet herding the American people toward the end of Americhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifan freedom.In essence, Hollywood is tired of those pesky laws that help protect innovation, economic growth, and creativity rather than their outmoded business so they are trying to rewrite the rules, regulate the Internet, and damn the consequences for the rest of us.The current bill cannot be fixed; it must be khttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifilhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifled. The bill’s sponsors (anhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifd their corporate backers) want to push this thing through quickly, before ordinary citizens get wind of the harm it is going to cause.
I am afraid that it this a hopeless cause and I refuse to sign anything personally ,in fact the last thing I signed which was another bid to petition against corporate greed ,started sending me Email asking for more signings and opinions , as if they cared ,but in the end asked for money. Anyway , here are a few sites opposing the big shot corporations.You can decide for yourself .
and http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?sbc
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