The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, a law which requires the Postal Service to do something that no other business or government agency has to do–pre-fund its FUTURE retiree health care benefits.The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) stipulates that the USPS is to make payments of $5.4 - $5.8 billion into the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund, each year, from 2007 to 2016 in order to prefund 75 years of estimated costs. This requirement also explicitly stated that the USPS was to stop using its savings to reduce postal debt, which was stipulated in Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act of 2003.] This is in addition to deductions from pay for federal contribution to social services. This pre-funding method is unique to the USPS. In June 2011, the USPS had to suspend its weekly payment of 115 million into the fund because it had reached 8 billion dollars in debt and the retirement plan had a surplus of 6.9 billion dollars.
This hasn't been being reported by our corporate media puppets, by that I mean ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,FOX,etc etc.. Another fact not being widely circulated is that independent agencies and the government itself have concluded that the USPS has overpaid into its two retirement systems.It is unfortunate and hypocritical that the Obama administration has advocated the elimination of Saturday delivery service as part of the deficit-reduction package while insisting on the need for job creation. If they simply transferred the overpayment in the retirement system into the future retiree health care obligation ,and eliminate the entire "Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act", the Postal system could go back into the black. It was making money before the creation of this terrible manufactured financial crisis designed to break the one of the largest unions and dismantle our reliable public service. The capitalists pigs will privatize and get another big profit on the backs of Americans who will pay a lot more to Fed Ex and Ups ,who's stocks are soaring in anticipation.
There is nothing Obama can say for me that will change my opinion of his hypocrisy.He might mention "Citizen's United" in his "State of the Union" .. but fat fucking chance ! His policy has been to endorse the Republican ,Corporate take over of this entire country.He is a phony !
The King is in the altogether,
But altogether the altogether, He's altogether as naked as the day that he was born. .."
I am not sure what the founding fathers had in mind when they endorsed the right to bear arms but I have to wonder if they still had the memory of the King of England and a general mistrust of giving power to a government only to see it become corrupt.Large guns like AK - 47s might be the only deterrent to the current corruption of our system. I have no idea what is in the minds of people who are buying AK-47s yet I know that in my mind we are on the edge of a failing system which includes corruption that I am not sure we can resolve by trusting corrupted legislators . The problem is systemic ,built in ,bought in by the corporates and banks who are not working toward democratic ideals but across the boundaries of states and countries toward their own interest which is always the greedy ,"More ,more , and more". A Revolution probably won't come but it should never be out of the question,especially if the "four year revolution"plan doesn't work anymore.
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