You will find a repaired photo of Mhai Scott in my adjusted now called "Justifiable Homicide".composite .Justifiable homicide is what they called the action of the Virginia police who killed a little Chinese woman ,Mhai Scott who had a knife. You have to wonder exactly what kind of training it takes to shoot someone with a knife. I mean a bat might have been a better decision than a bullet.It seems to me that a long broom might be an antidote to a knife , that is the stick could keep a small Chinese woman at bay while the other police could surround the woman , knock her over with their Billies..or swat at her with newspapers. Damn, you could throw apples at her and get positive results without having to kill her with your gun. Prince Georges County and Montgomery County are no different and they have been pushing the boundaries of the law since long before 2001. It has only gotten worse. It is a wonder that there aren't more people flipping out ,waving knives on their three day a week jobs for Walmart,KMart, TJMax, McDonalds,and Home Depot where they are under the wire without benefits, no idea what their schedule is , and sharing housing with others.They said she was threatening them . Boy , grown men , grown men who are supposed to be trained to handle situations not shoot , whitewash , and ask questions later.
The point is that these killings are constantly happening all over the country and it is not a racial situation. It is a human situation facing the citizenry of the United States. The sensational - racial amplification takes the focus off the real situation that the police , the government , those forces we invest our trust in to do the right thing are not doing the right thing. How long is the police state going to be supported with fear mongering. In Boston , they shut down the entire city for one boy after the local security dropped the ball . In DC 2002 , they shut down the entire Beltway looking for the wrong truck. This testing of a free society has resulted in the loss of a free society.Everybody is holding on for dear life . You people who work for the government , the military , and even private industry since the January 2010 Supreme Court Ruling can't openly express an opinion that is counter to what you know is dictated to you by your boss.Facebook,Google, MSN,Twitter, etc. etc. are all now in the pocket of Obama.Democrats are not Democrats. Republicans are posturing opportunist preaching like Moses , like Akhnaton , like Taliban from the point of view of "God"told me this morning and all that shit.There is no free speech. It doesn't even matter what you do , it is what you say . The thought police are here and they shoot first , whitewash , then ask questions later.
Corporates say its the fault of the unions that they moved abroad but we know that NAFTA didn't help the US . Corporations would still have child labor if they could and don't forget slavery. We are not that far off ,in fact this Corpocracy is just another form of slavery. Stop waving the flag and saying ,"..but this is the best country in the world ." and all that shit .It isn't and hasn't been for a long ,long time . We have become the Nazis.There is no common sense in our congress, the TSA, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon ,or any of the letters out there trying to hold on to their budgets in spite of them already being fat ,inflated beyond our understanding because the real budgets are secret. Doesn't everybody want to have more toys ? Why do we have to support men with toys that kill? They are not protecting us , they are making it worse for us , the US in the world . You don't have to shoot and then make up stories about why you had to shoot . This has become the US Foreign Policy . Drone Warfare creates more "Justifiable Homicide" in the name of the American People .The label "Collatteral Damage" doesn't do much to cover up what should be called "Murder" . Bradley Manning blew the whistle on "Murder" ,murder similar to war stories I heard from men at Travis Air Force Base in San Fransisco in 1965 but ,then again , those "Atrocities" were not collateral damage but what we became supporting a questionable foreign policy .Hey , all you "Letters" ,come and get me and let me fucking retire in prison or shoot me and put me out of my misery but don't tell me you are protecting me . You are a greater danger to me than any terrorist blowing his ass up . One day the far left and the far right will come to agreement on this fact and this will be the end of the war games , the corporate take over of our democracy , or these states will lose the epithet "United"."
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