Monday, April 30, 2012
Mini Rant ,Corporate WWII,and Gun Control
"A mini rant".. (haha , indulge me ) I don't see the revolutionary scenario to be far fetched .
Part of the the original intent of the the right to own weapons,as opposed to bearing arms against fellow citizens ,may well have been in remembrance of the tyranny imposed on the colonies by England.Before the Constitution or the second amendment were invented,the Declaration of Independence, in the early sentences established, "..endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
It would seem that this early statement tried to provide and establish another check to whatever government was to come about in post revolutionary America.Historically,revolutions can come from both the left or the right ( and even the top about 3200 years ago )but a prerequisite these days is having munitions and the willingness to counter those forces, police or military who are enforcing the oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler or ruling party. If our democracy is compromised , if the corporates really have created a plutocracy, and our votes have no meaning , then revolution will be put on the table.
A new "Constitutional Convention" might be a start but recognizing the problem is the first step in any delusional or physical addiction.Going to war ,policing the world ,waving the flag , and supporting government policies that do not represent the people of America is not the resolution but a group of diversions.
Currently, as an example of what may not be the will of the citizenry or really enacted in the protection of our citizens, I would like to point out that the current "SOPA Bill" will be exercising a new form of censorship on the our Internet in the guise of combating supposed "Piracy'. This bill is primary endorsed by corporate strength and could be compared to what happened last year in Egypt when their Internet was actually shut down during their revolution by an American company.China's censorship of their Internet is also analogous.
Corporate WWII
Corporations ,as a community put Americans to work in the WWII effort but were financed by the US Government.It was not a donation by those corporations who sometimes,like Ford Motors, sold to the Germans as well. The United States corporations also provided arms, locomotives, trucks, boots and many other items to its allies throughout the war under Lend-Lease. A total of $50.1 billion was spent: $31.4 billion to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to Free France and $1.6 billion to China.The defeat of Japan began demobilization and the return of the U. S. people and economy to civilian production. However, substantial military production continued for the "Cold War" between the U. S. and Russia following WWII. Our country came out of the depression after the war swinging .The industries that made the tanks , planes , and war supplies provided the American wealth that supported Europe and helped to rebuild the war torn world.
Without reiterating the obvious list of military involvements since WWII ..In the Reagan administration the US went from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation.
The enormous corporations have survived and thrived and now have succeeded in controlling policies of our government which have included the bank and industry bail outs of the last four years and the compromising of our democracy.Corporate interest are communicated to congressmen by lobbyist and backed up by campaign support in the millions of dollars.Congressmen are supposed to be our representatives ,our elected lobbyist ,representing their individual state's constituents.
The current conservative Supreme Court has recognized corporate campaign financing as a right ,similar to the individual rights of American citizens but no American citizen donates money to finance even two minutes of political ads for their candidates on television.The decision of January 2010 was in favor of corporate interest and not the interest of the American individual.It has insured plutocracy and compromised the "one man ,one vote" system that was the promise of our representative democracy.
The only way to overturn this bad decision is for congress to create a new law but there is no Bill on the table and won't be in this election year.It may never be anything other than a campaign promise like the promise of term limits which comes up every once in a while but goes nowhere.
Gun Control Issues and Texas
These three very informative articles on the subject and your area reveal some of the problems of becoming a cowboy. Gun ownership is an American deal as are the questions of legislating regulations governing our rights.Americans own an estimated 270 million firearms – approximately 90 guns for every 100 people.The low ranking of Texas laws in comparison to other States might have a lot to do with the lack of age restrictions.There is a lot going on down there including Mexican Cartels and the open prairie kind of paranoia.The thing is police everywhere won't help you till after you are shot ,stabbed ,or robbed and then it is too late.
Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed
Gun violence and gun control in Texas
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